
Willemen Infra and the CO₂ Performance Ladder

Making Amsterdam sustainable with the CO₂ Performance Ladder

The CO₂ Performance Ladder in Belgium: time for structural implementation
Découvrez comment les pouvoirs adjudicateurs internationaux et les entreprises travaillent avec l’Échelle de Performance CO2 et ce qui est nécessaire pour la mettre en œuvre avec succè
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- Blog
Addressing your scope 3 emissions in three steps
As an organisation, you not only have to deal with CO2 that you emit yourself, but also with emissions that occur elsewhere in your supply chain. These indirect emissions are also known as scope 3 emissions. Scope 3 emissions play an important role in different levels and steps of the…

- Blog
Green Public Procurement with the CO₂ Performance Ladder
Green Public Procurement can play an important role in greening the economy and achieving climate goals. As a government, it can sometimes be quite a challenge to decide exactly how to integrate sustainability in your tenders. The CO2 Performance Ladder offers a solution here. In this article, we explain the…
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