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With the re-asphalting of a ring road in Ireland, a CO2 Performance Ladder project outside the Netherlands and Belgium was completed for the first time. And with success: the project delivered nothing less than 21 per cent CO2 reduction. The Irish pilot was set up by the Irish Green…
Transitional arrangements give organisations two years to progress to Handbook 4.0 The transition from Handbook 3.1 to 4.0 is the largest revision of the CO2 Performance Ladder to date. Certificate holders, contracting authorities and Certification Bodies (CBs) will therefore have plenty of time to prepare for the new handbook. SKAO…
Of all greenhouse gases, CO2 has by far the largest share in man-made global warming. But other greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, have a much greater impact on the greenhouse effect per kilogram of emissions. The new version of the CO2 Performance Ladder requires companies to also…
The CO2 Performance Ladder is now launching a pilot in Portugal. Aliados Consulting is the national coordinator to lead this pilot, aimed at accelerating decarbonization and promoting sustainable public procurement in the country. Following successful implementations in the Netherlands and Belgium, and pilot projects in countries such as Ireland, France,…
Germany is the latest country to adopt the CO2 Performance Ladder, a key tool for sustainable procurement and carbon emission reduction. This innovative tool, already a success in the Netherlands, Belgium, and beyond, is now being rolled out in Germany with the national coordination led by the Center for…
In 2024, sustainability can no longer be ignored as a strategic must for businesses. But where some measures were innovative at first, now they are mainstream. Both the market and legislators are trying to respond to this with new ideas and concepts. The same applies for the European Union (EU)…
Insight into emissions: a much-cited added value of the CO2 Performance Ladder. But it won’t stop there: with Handbook 4.0, we can expect even more insight into the CO2 emitted and energy consumed. From your own organisation, from other certified organisations and from projects. Footprints will be centrally accessible and…
The United Kingdom has become the newest country to pilot the CO2 Performance Ladder. Following successful ongoing implementation in the Netherlands and Belgium and pilots in Ireland and France, the Ladder will be used to strengthen the CO2 reduction efforts of UK organisations and governments. Action Sustainability, an award-winning sustainability…
After a successful pilot of the CO₂ Performance in Belgium which was coordinated by CO₂logic, our new partner foundation BENOR will be responsible for further implementation of the Ladder. This kicks off the promising expansion in Belgium. By structurally deploying the Ladder, an average annual 5.5% CO₂ reduction is expected.
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