New contracts signed thanks to CO2 Performance Ladder
The CO2 Performance Ladder is a measuring instrument and certification schedule, to stimulate CO2 reduction. Therefore, the government incorporates the instrument into its tenders by granting the certified companies an award advantage. Companies scoring well on the Ladder, show indeed that they are reducing their CO2 emission. This way, as a company, you have a better chance of success to win certain contracts.
This certification system does not only receive recognition within the public sector. Other clients attach great importance to a contractor’s carbon footprint and CO2 emissions on a project.
To date, and thanks to the certificate, Jan De Nul has won already a few public tenders with this award advantage, for works requiring particular attention to sustainability and CO2 emissions. The works include:
- Maintenance dredging work in Nieuwpoort
- Dredging work Raversijde – Mariakerke
- Civil and dredging work Oosterweel Link Scheldt Tunnel
- Civil work Bridge Bissegem – Marke
- Environmental work CAT site Vilvoorde
Ambitious objectives
The carbon footprint of the activities that are included in the CO2 Performance Ladder amount to 56.312 tonnes CO2 for direct as well as indirect emissions. These carbon emissions come from:

According to Jan de Nul Group, the fact that yhe organisation achieved level five, does not mean that it will sit on its hands from now on. Since November 2020 the carbon footprint for the entire Jan De Nul Group worldwide is externally verified in accordance with the ISO14064 standard. Based on this, various CO₂ reducing initiatives for Jan De Nul Group will be implemented.
“Achieving this certificate has only been possible with the involvement of our staff at all levels. Various departments have all pulled their weight. Also a number of personal initiatives of our employees have helped lead us to this success. Staff are not afraid to think about alternatives to reduce their CO2 footprint, such as changing their way of travelling to and from the workplace, or using the resources that Jan De Nul puts at our disposal in a responsible and aware way,” says Isabelle Herteleer, CSR-Manager with Jan De Nul Group.