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( Projectcases )
Utrecht’s Kanaalstraat (Canal Street) is not only frequently visited by locals, but even attracts people outside the Netherlands. The street owes this to its multicultural diversity; a large number of market-like shops offer a specialised range of products from different cultures. However, this large influx of visitors also…
One of the largest Dutch infrastructure projects in recent years is the extension of the A9 motorway between Badhoevedorp and Holendrecht. Rijkswaterstaat is responsible for this project and used the CO2 Performance Ladder in their tender. The project was awarded to the construction consortium VeenIX, consisting of FCC Construcción…
Several pilot projects are currently taking place in Belgium in which a CO2 Performance Ladder certificate yields an award advantage in the procurement. One of those projects is the renovation of the Scheldelaan in Antwerp. What role did the CO2 Performance Ladder play in that project? And what sustainability actions were…
Rijkswaterstaat has been using the CO2 Performance Ladder for some time in tenders in the civil engineering sector. For several years now, the award instrument has also been used for the hot drinks sector. And not without success: when Rijkswaterstaat asked, the market responded. Johan Moesman, senior procurement advisor at…
It has been a procurement requirement at the Delfland Water Board (Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland, HHvD) to use the CO2 Performance Ladder as an award criterion since 2018, in tenders where this is applicable and proportionate. This also applies to the RAW framework agreement for extraordinary maintenance of polder and dyke…
For Charlotte Pars of ProRail, it is clear: as a contracting authority, you must use the influence you have to contribute to a more sustainable world. She shows that this can be done with little effort. For procuring entities which have perfected the basics, like ProRail, there are chances…
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